New Albany Elementary has created a curriculum aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Our programs offer students the opportunity for unlimited success through a curriculum reaching beyond the benchmarks.Reading: K-2 students gain understanding of word structure and word patterns. Vocabulary progresses through the grades and students are able to use context clues for meaning. Recognition of main idea/details and expanded comprehension are primary factors for determining successful readers.
Grades K-2
New Albany Elementary has developed a balanced approach to teaching children to read. Our reading instruction includes: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and text comprehension. Programs include:
Accelerated Reader
Students participate in a computer based program to increase fluency, practing decoding skill and text comprehension.
Leveled Text for Guided Reading
Small group instruction designed to use increasingly challenging leveled books to develop effective reading strategies.
Pearson Reading Street
A comprehensive Reading and Language Arts series that offers scientifically research based instruction and online experiences to meet the needs of all students.
Our curriculum is a balanced program to develop the student in all language areas. This includes sentence structure, spelling editing, and journal writing. Our goal is for each student to become independent writers.
Houghton Mifflin Math
A hands on success orientated program which emphasis manipulative and mental math, and addresses a multi-sensory approach to teaching while enabling all students to develop a solid foundation and language of math. Concepts are practiced over a long period of time and presented to students in carefully sequenced small pieces. All concepts are practiced repeatedly in succeeding lessons.
K-2 students participate in a thirty minute rotation each day. This enables New Albany Elementary to offer the student a variety of additional subjects.
- Library
- Music
- Physical Education and Health
- Citizenship
- Art
- Keyboarding
- iPads
The computer lab host 30 individual computers all with Internet capability and student friendly software. In addition to the scheduled computer lab rotation, the computer lab is available daily for teachers to access and use with their whole class. Two iPad carts are used for K-2 rotation.
Social Studies
Science and Social Studies are integrated into the curriculum through the reading program, as well as, with the use of thematic units.
New Albany Elementary prides itself in a program for intellectually gifted students in grades 2 – 5. This class offers opportunities for challenging, creative learning in a small group setting.
Grades 3-5
Digital Curricula for Language Arts, Mathematics, & Science
New Albany Elementary has developed a balanced approach to teaching children to read. Our reading instruction includes: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary fluency, and text comprehension. Programs include:
Pearson: Reading Street 3-5 (Digital)
A comprehensive Reading and Language Arts series that offers scientifically research based instruction and online experiences to meet the needs of all students.
Envision Math (Digital)
Written specifically to address the rigor of the Common Core State Standards. Based on foundational research. This curriculum is accessed digitally through the use of laptops.
Pearson Digital Science Curricula
An online curriculum that makes the learning of Science personal, relevant, and engaging. Students interact with text and activities on laptop computers at school and home.
Social Studies
Social Studies is integrated with the reading series. In addition supplements are used to ensure the necessity of addressing all the required benchmarks.
3-5 students participate in a thirty minute rotation each day. This enables New Albany Elementary to offer the student a variety of additional subjects.
- Library
- Music
- Physical Education and Health
- Citizenship
- Art
- Keyboarding
The computer lab host 30 individual computers all with Internet capability and student friendly software. In addition to the scheduled computer lab rotation, the computer lab is available daily for teachers to access and use with their whole class.
Keyboarding is taught to the 5th grade students using the computer lab and a mobile computer unit. Wireless Internet laptops are brought into the classrooms allowing each student the individual opportunity to work on a state of the art computer. In addition to introducing the students to keyboarding at an early age the laptops allow the students to become computer efficient. The laptops also are available for all teachers and classrooms to utilize and incorporate the use of the Internet.
Excel Program
New Albany Elementary prides itself in a program for intellectually gifted students in grades 2 – 5. This class offers opportunities for challenging, creative learning in a small group setting.